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Terms & Conditions of Participation in Dance Activities

0. Definitions, Premises and Contact Details

a. "We", "Us", "Kiduku" and "our" refer to "Kiduku Rhythms CIC", company number 12149825.

b. "You" and "your" refer to any person booking any service provided by Kiduku Rhythms CIC.

c. "Participants" refers to any person taking part in any activity delivered by Kiduku Rhythms CIC.

d. "parents", "carers", "legal guardians" are used interchangeably and refer to any person with legal responsibility for a child under 18 or a person over 18 who has been legally deemed as not having capacity to be responsible for their own welfare.

d. "the premises", "the studio", "our premises" and "our studio" refer to the hired premises where our activities are carried out, including, but not limited to, premises regularly used at the following locations: 

i. Indoor location 1: St Mark's Hall, Old Mill Road, SE18 1QE

ii. Indoor location 2: St Mark with St Margaret's Church, Old Mill Road, SE18 1QE

iii. Outdoor location 1: Plumstead Common, opposite St Mark with St Margaret's Church, Old Mill Road, SE18 1QE.

e. Contacts for Kiduku Rhythms CIC:

i. Call/WhatsApp us: 07796 101189  

ii. Email us:


1. Age requirements and adult supervision


a. You must be over the age of 18 to book a session through our website,


b. All participants must be registered and agree to these Terms & Conditions before a class booking can be confirmed.

All participating under 18s and disabled adults requiring special care must be registered by a parent/legal guardian or carer. Contact us for details on booking concessionary places.


c. Parents/carers are required to ensure their children/people in their care abide by these Terms & Conditions at all times.


d. Kiduku Rhythms CIC staff are unable to take supervisory responsibility for under 18s and disabled adults requiring special care who participate in our dance sessions, except for children attending Afro KIDS courses paid termly in advance (see section 8 below).


i. Anyone under the age of 12 and all disabled adults requiring special care must be accompanied by a responsible adult/carer for the entire duration of the activity. We recommend adult supervision for young people aged 12-18.


ii. Children over the age of 6 may be granted parent supervision exemption if a Supervision Exemption Request Form is completed and accepted by Kiduku Rhythms CIC and a Supervision Exemption Code is issued. 


iii. Parent supervision exemptions are issued solely at the discretion of Kiduku staff. Supervision exemptions may be revoked at any time, for any reason, and any related Supervision Exemption Code(s) immediately invalidated. The decision of Kiduku Rhythms CIC is final regarding all matters of parent supervision exemption.


2. Safety Measures


a. Participants must read and follow the safety rules and listen to and heed any safety information given by staff during a session.


b. All personal belongings, including water bottles, must be placed safely away from the dance area on chairs/tables or the floor at the perimeter of the space.


c. You should bring plenty of your own drinking water to stay hydrated throughout your activity, with extra in hot weather conditions. There is usually a drinking water supply on-site at our indoor sessions; please ask staff if you need water.


d. If you are attending an indoor session, the Hall toilet facilities only may be used. It is not allowed to use the Church toilets (through the double doors). Please use sanitiser before and after using the facilities and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.


e. Long hair should be tied back and loose jewellery and accessories, including hoop earrings and loose items in unfastened pockets, removed prior to participation in a session. Glasses should be well-secured.


f. Participants must wear appropriate clothing and footwear for dance.


i. We recommend loose, comfortable clothing or exercise wear and trainers or gym shoes.


ii. You should avoid wearing jeans or any tight-fitting, non-stretch clothing that restricts movement. 


iii. We do NOT recommend you dance barefoot unless, in your own assessment, you are (or your participating child is) a well experienced dancer and have the required foot and lower leg strength to absorb impacts from jumping and quick footwork without risking injury or damage to your joints.


iv. We strongly recommend you do NOT dance in high heels/hard-soled shoes as our dance sessions often involve high impact movement and this presents a risk to your safety and joint health. Children under 18 are not permitted to dance in heels.


v. If you are an exceptionally fit or advanced dancer and you are experienced in dancing in costume or heels or barefoot and choose to do so in our class against our advice, you do so entirely at your own risk and waive Kiduku Rhythms CIC from all liability for personal injury arising from your choice of clothing/footwear.


vi. Participants are not permitted under any circumstances to dance in socks.


g. Avoid touching door handles, window handles, and light switches. Please ask staff to help you instead.


h. Please wash and/or sanitise your hands thoroughly before you come to participate in a session and again as soon as possible afterwards.


i. Kiduku staff will point out the location of fire exits on arrival. Participants must maintain an awareness of these locations in case of emergency evacuation.


j.For sessions taking place at any of the locations listed in (0), the fire assembly point in case of evacuation is on the common opposite St Mark with St Margaret's Church. In the event of evacuation, participants should walk quickly and calmly to the assembly point without running and be mindful of traffic when crossing the road. We strongly recommend all participants familiarise themselves with the fire evacuation plan, displayed on the notice board at the entrance to the building.


3. You must not attend Kiduku activities if you have symptoms of COVID-19.

You must not attend any Kiduku activities if you are unwell, or showing signs of any COVID symptoms, or if you have tested positive for COVID or been told to self-isolate. If you become unwell or come into contact with anyone who has COVID symptoms, you must wait 14 full days clear of any symptoms before returning to Kiduku sessions. You must behave responsibly to protect yourself and others from the risk of COVID-19, including keeping a 2m distance from staff and other participants and avoiding all physical contact. You must inform Kiduku as soon as possible if you develop COVID symptoms and you must not attempt to hold Kiduku Rhythms CIC responsible in any way. Your details may be passed on to NHS Test & Trace in the interests of protecting our community and keeping everybody safe. See our Privacy Policy for more information about how we handle your data.


4. Medical fitness


a. Kiduku Rhythms CIC dance sessions are of a physical nature and as such there are risks involved in participation. By booking a session, you certify that you, or all participants on whose behalf you are making a booking, are medically fit to participate in these activities. You should always consult your physician or other healthcare provider before starting an exercise program.


5. Photography


Photographs and/or videos taken of participants during a session may be used by Kiduku Rhythms CIC for marketing purposes (including, but not limited to, social media). Images or recordings will never be used for anything which may be viewed as negative in tone or that may cause anyone offence, embarrassment or distress. We will give advance notice before taking videos and you may opt out.


6. Injury and personal property


a. Kiduku Rhythms CIC will not be liable for any losses, damages or injuries to you or your property while participating in Kiduku activities.


b. Kiduku Rhythms staff members are not able to control the actions of members of the public and/or their pets or wildlife at outdoor sessions.


c. At outdoor sessions, it is your responsibility to assess your immediate physical environment for any hazards (including, but not limited to: grass tufts, ditches, dog mess) and to alert a staff member immediately to any hazards found.


d. At all sessions, it is your responsibility to ensure you, anyone in your care, and your possessions are safe. You are advised not to bring valuables to your activity.


7. Personal conduct


a. Participants must show respect for others at all times while participating in Kiduku Rhythms CIC activities.


b. Abusive/aggressive/threatening behaviour towards staff members or other participants will not be tolerated and may result in being asked to leave the activity and/or banned from future sessions.


8. Additional special terms apply to Afro KIDS courses (paid termly in advance)

With the sole exception of paragraph (1d), all terms and conditions stated apply to Afro KIDS courses. Parents/guardians of children participating take responsibility for ensuring their child/ren adhere to all terms and conditions.


a. Children attending Afro KIDS courses paid termly in advance may be left in the supervision of Kiduku Rhythms CIC staff for the duration of their confirmed, booked activity only. This does not apply to any classes that have not been paid or booked in advance.


i. Kiduku Afro KIDS dance courses do not constitute a childcare facility. Parents/legal guardians are encouraged to exercise good judgement and consider their children's needs when taking the decision to leave their children under the supervision of Kiduku staff while participating in dance classes.


ii. While classes are inclusive of all abilities, we are unable to provide individual support to children with additional needs. We welcome parents/carers to stay and support their children and assist their participation in our activities where necessary.


b. Parents/carers are required to make proper arrangements in advance for their children's departure at the end of each session. Where the parent/carer does not intend to remain at the session as a spectator, arrangements must be made in writing and accepted by Kiduku Rhythms CIC staff, which can be done via the initial Participant Registration Form at the time of booking or by email to Acceptable arrangements are limited to the following:


i. The parent/guardian will remain at the session in the spectator area and leave with their child/ren at the end of each session; or


ii. The parent/guardian will return to collect their own child/ren promptly at the end of each session; and/or


iii. The parent/guardian will provide to Kiduku Rhythms CIC in advance the name and contact number of a trusted adult with their permission to collect their child/ren at the end of each session or of a particular session (to be specified); or


iv. The parent/guardian will give their prior consent for their child/ren to make their own way home at the end of a session, based on the parent/guardian's own assessment of their child/ren's willingness and competence to do so safely and releasing Kiduku Rhythms CIC from all responsibility for their child/ren as soon as their child/ren have left the premises.


c. Where a parent/carer is late to collect their child/ren from a session and no suitable alternative arrangement in accordance with (8b) has been made in advance, the parent/carer will be liable to pay late pickup fees as follows:


i. For pickup up to 10 minutes late: no charge for the first 3 occasions in a term, £5 thereafter.


ii. For pickup between 10 and 15 minutes late: £10.


iii. For pickup between 15 and 20 minutes late: £15.


iv. For pickup between 20 and 30 minutes late: £30.


v. For accompanied home drop-off where a parent/guardian has failed to collect their child/ren within 30 minutes after the scheduled end time of a session: £50 + travel expenses incurred (taxi fare) + £5 per mile of travel from the premises to the participant's home address.


vi. If a child has not been collected by a parent/guardian more than 30 minutes after the end of a session and no contact or alternative arrangements have been made by the parent/carer in accordance with (8b), Kiduku staff will be obliged to make a referral to social services in accordance with our Safeguarding Policy.


vii. Where a parent/guardian fails to provide advance notice of an acceptable alternative pickup arrangement (as per 8b), late pickup fees may apply in accordance with (8c) where Kiduku staff are unable to make contact with the parent/guardian for longer than 10 minutes after the end of the session in order to agree the alternative arrangements. This includes where a trusted adult - including another parent - has been sent to collect the child/ren on behalf of the parent/guardian but no advance notice has been given of the arrangement by the parent/guardian who registers the participants at the time of booking.


d. Parents/carers are required to make their child/ren aware of acceptable standards of personal conduct (see 7) and cooperate with Kiduku Rhythms CIC staff where their child/ren present challenging behaviour that disrupts an activity to the detriment of other participants.


i. If a child being left under our supervision is disruptive during sessions, their parent/carer may be required to stay to support them during future sessions. No refund will be offered if the parent/carer decides to withdraw their child/ren from the course rather than attend with them for support.


ii. If a child is abusive/aggressive/threatening towards staff, other children, or anybody else, they will be required to leave the session, including immediate pickup by their parent/legal guardian or a trusted adult if applicable. They may also be banned from attending future sessions, in which case no refund will be offered.


9. Sibling discounts

a. Where offered by Kiduku Rhythms CIC, sibling discounts or any special rates for siblings may apply to:

i. Any two or more children who are members of the same household and normally reside at the same address (excluding where families reside in different units of an HMO property).

ii. Biological siblings/half-siblings who may or may not normally reside at the same address.


b. Sibling discounts cannot be applied to children to whom neither of the conditions in (9a) apply. Children who are friends or related by other means (e.g. cousins) may take advantage of other offers when available (e.g. earlybird/loyalty offers, etc.) but each child must be registered by their own parent/legal guardian on a separate booking.


c. Anyone in receipt of benefits, single parents or those struggling to afford extra-curricular activities for their children during the cost of living crisis should email to request concessionary rates. Requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, according to the participant's need, enthusiasm for dance and class capacity. Please get in touch and we will do our best to help.


10. Cancellations

a. If you are unable to attend a booked session for any reason, please cancel at least two hours in advance to receive a class credit (excludes course bookings).


b. Refunds/credits are issued at our sole discretion. Requests must be submitted by email to Any refunds will be subject to payment processing fees and may take up to 28 days.


c. Course bookings are subject to a 21-day notice period for cancellations. At our discretion, and in accordance with all the published terms and conditions, you may receive a pro rata refund for the remaining weeks of your booking, less payment processing fees incurred.


d. In the unlikely event that your prepaid booking is cancelled by us for any reason, we will offer a class credit or a full refund of the amount paid for the session.


11. Privacy

Please read our Privacy Policy here.


12. Safeguarding

Please read our Safeguarding Policy here.


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